
Apr 23, 2008

Amazing what a bit of research can turn up

Still doing the re-writes. In the course of this I decided to do a bit more research into the Royal College of Music - after all this is where some of my book is set and it always helps to have a first hand view. Now I used to go up to RCM every weekend. My brother had a scholarship and Mum and I would go up with him, spend the day in London and then catch rehearsals before we all took the train home. Sometimes the whole family would go up if Martin was in a big concert. The point is - I know the place I used to race up and down the steps at the back of the Albert Hall. I couldn't find any old pictures of us outside RCM so using Google Earth and Image finder I pulled up some photos of the College. I must have a black and white memory, it's not granite grey, it's bright freaking red. Sandstone red! That's not a colour you can hide.
See below.

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