
Mar 5, 2019

Auntie Poldi and the Vineyards of Etna, Mario Giordano

Donna Poldina is back! 

Poldi’s life in Sicily as chronicled by her nephew is jogging along nicely; until the water for the whole of Via Baronessa is cut off and a dear friend’s dog is poisoned. Poldi sees the mafia at work, after all a local judge has just been found murdered but Poldi’s lover, Commissario Vito Montana won’t let her into his investigation; so Poldi starts her own. 

She assembles a team, a rather creaky one and it doesn’t take long for the fur to start flying. A complicated web of vineyards, water rights, a dodgy psychic, activist groups, some cranky German tourists a not-so-undercover FBI agent and even the mafia conspire to stop Poldi and her pensioners from solving the case. Can Poldi prevail? and if she succeeds she could lose Montana forever.

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