
May 13, 2008

One rewrite down. Laurie King & Tana French

I got my 20 pages down in time for our meeting Saturday, Mexican food and a very productive meet. Good job we can all take criticism as well as we dish it out and I hope I saved some time by critiquing it the way they do, cliche, placeholder, adverb, why would the character do that, where did he come from did he just beam in? stuff like that and most important show don't tell. Of course that threw up a whole bunch of other problems but I fixed those - I think - guess we'll see in June.

Along with the re=writes I've been hitting the books again. Laurie King, excellent and so good I bought the second in the series sight unseen. Tana French - all I can say is wow! She's just won the Edgar prize for best first crime novel and now 'In the Woods' is out in paperback I got the chance to read and review it.

In the early 80's three children vanish in Knocknaree, Ireland. Only one of them, Adam Robert Ryan is found. His shoes are full of someone elses blood and he can't remember what happened to him or his young friends. Twenty years later police detective Rob Ryan and partner Cassie Maddox are called to a murder scene in Knocknaree - a little girl. Rob thinks this murder might hold the key to what happened to him and his young friends but can he hold himself together long enough to finish the case or will it finish him. Great first novel and the partnership between Rob and Cassie is so well portrayed that the reader can see what's coming before they do. Un-putdownable.

Now I just need the arc for her new one "The Likeness"

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