
Oct 10, 2011

Thoughts on The Book of Lost Fragrances

Perfume - unless you've read Susskind's dark tale - doesn't sound that gripping.  M.J. Rose's new book which drops in March 2012 (full review then) had me at the first chapter.  This book has everything, a transcendent love story, the Dalai Lama, and a perfume commissioned by the Queen of the Nile (all things ancient Egyptian fascinate me.) which not only stirs scent memory it recalls past existences or 'envelopes' as the Bhuddists call them.  And wherever there's a memory tool Dr Malachai Samuels isn't going to be far behind.Blend in the China/Tibet situation and set the story in Paris against the background of a famed perfume house and you've got the recipe for a great story. 


MJRose said...

Ooooo - this came up in my google alerts and i had to thank you personally - I so appreciate the kind words!

Mystery Girl said...

You're welcome MJ and you set Lost Fragrances in one of my favourite cities. I'm so glad I convinced Anne H to let me borrow her copy.