I've got a new title for the Men are From Mars Women Venus etc. Mars and Venus writing about sex. It's really funny that I've never noticed it before but when a man writes about sex the woman's doing most of the work and she's usually on her knees (hmmmn so much for sexual equality!) When a woman writes about making love it's a more equal union eye to eye rather than eye to balls. I'm sure some university bod is drumming up money to fund a study about this totally useless piece of information.
It also takes a heck of a lot of imagination not to use your own bedroom antics as a template for your characters! Think about that next time you read a love scene. I think the reason for that comment is that I've just read a rather touching love story wound into a esoteric treasure hunt.
ha! rotfl. So tell me are you using you're bedroom antics in you're writing?
There are no actual sex scenes in what I'm currently writing, well there's a near miss but it is not drawn from my personal experience.
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