I started my Friday on a high - I got some constructive and positive feedback - thanks Linda! and to be honest for the rest of the day nothing could dent it. Even a pretty busy shift in the run up to the Breaking Dawn release. Our pre-solds were gone by 10.30 and after we got everyone out of the store and locked up it was my job to walk down the line checking that the people in the queue really did have their vouchers - some didn't but we sorted that out. Some people had just gotten in the queue because it was there, by the time I got to the back my voice was going and my throat has been a bit sore all weekend. Once we got to midnight the books flew into the hands of eager readers and we were done by 12.30.
Yesterday Chris took me to the Monet to Picasso exhibition at the Utah Museum of Fine Arts. The last time I was in an art gallery was Vienna in the 80's. The paintings at UMFA are all from private collections so rarely seen. They were great but the Rodin sculptures just blew me away. If we ever got a piece of fine art to go in the house and it was my choice it would be a Rodin.
I loved the Rodin's too. My mother used to have a small replica of The Thinker in her bedroom. Until I went to the UMFA exhibit, I didn't realize it was of Dante. Now I love it even more.
I loved Breaking Dawn. Can't figure out what all the critics are talking about.
Yeah that was news to me too. The fall of angels was another good one - how he could sculpt feathers out of marble I don't know but colour me impressed.
Haven't read Breaking Dawn yet - simply haven't had time so I got the spark notes version from Margaret:-)
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