That sounds so much better than chain letter book club. You wouldn't think those two things would go together would you? It's simple you mail a book off to the person whose name and address is on the bottom of the letter. Then you copy the copy you have and put one of the address labels that come with it on the bottom of the six letters you send out. Honestly the letter explains it better than I have.
Why am I doing this you ask? Well for a start it's free books and I've promised myself that I will read every single one I get as a way of freshening up what I read - and I will of course review them here.
I've got six people in mind but I'm asking them first because well it's polite. If anyone is interested in being in my part of the chain that's assuming the six don't say - free books sign me up! Send a comment to this blog - US only though.
No writing today - we are finally getting a new bed - yay! This means lots of moving furniture around - also lots of swearing as various parts of my anatomy make painful contact with corners, wooden and metal. I've got bruises up both my arms and knees that look like a painting by David Hockney.
I remember years ago getting these kind of things for dishtowels, children's books, packets of flower seeds....etc.
I don't like to to any of it. I wouldn't mind sending a book to someone, but I don't want to ask others to have to do it.
Honestly it didn't go any further than me sending a book to the next person on the list - I didn't get any books from it. I really should know better. I have a friend in Holland who sends me chain letters because she can't bear to delete them and I just zap them. Never mind. :-)
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