
Feb 6, 2011

Hell is other people

Satre on a Sunday, yes I know it's deep but it sums up the day perfectly.

Sunday is of course the one day I write - without fail - but today I couldn't get a single word down.  We were in the usual coffee shop in the study area but the couple next to us were flirting so loudly that I was tempted to tell them to get a room.  The very last straw was the man who brought his screaming baby into the quiet area, that was me done.  Don't get me wrong I love a good chat, but if the signs say 'quiet please', I'm quiet, so either these people a) can't read or b) don't care.  I'm being kind when I say option (b)

On a lighter note, I finished the new Jasper Fforde - and I loved it.  Next up blurbing that and then Devil's Plaything by Matt Richtel - those of you who've been reading this blog since the beginning may remember that the review of Matt's first book, Hooked was the first post on this blog back in '07

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