
Sep 19, 2011

A book in the hand...

So many people have been on my case recently about my lack of an e-reader.  Regular readers of this blog know that hubby has my permission to bash me over the head with said device if he ever sees me using one.  A friend - who shall remain nameless - teased me that she has all her text books, all her mills and boon novels, and all her outlines in the palm of her hand.  I responded with the following.

I was nineteen and on a youth hostelling trip around Europe.  We were crossing from Austria into Switzerland by train and as is my habit the book I bought to read in Austria had just been donated to the Vienna hostel's library and another one bought at the station, The Eiger Sanction by Trevanian - no brainer really.  At the Austraian/Swiss border immigration hopped on to check our papers and having given the guy my passport I went back to my book.  He smirked at me as he gave the passport back and I thought he was being friendly until I put my book down.  Emblazoned across the back of it was PLENTY OF ACTION, PLENTY OF SEX in really big letters.  I'll never forget that trip because of that book.

Also I take one book and come back with another.  I buy according to country - I've discovered many new titles that way. Angelology by Daniella Trussoni being a prime example. 

I have been known to leave a book in the seat back pocket on a plane or train if it doesn't grab me.  The book jacket tells you something about the person reading it.  Try getting that from your e-reader.

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