
Dec 1, 2011

Pleasure - without the guilt

I have always been wary of TV tie ins, they usually don't have a handle on the characters (some of the Torchwood novels have pretty good characterisation but I digress) However there is an exception to every rule. Those of you who know my viewing habits know that 'Castle' is must see TV for me but the books I thought were a marketing gimmick - until I read them and whether you are a fan of the show - or not - these are straight up and down well plotted police procedurals. Tom Straw is the writer abc has used - read his novel the The Trigger Episode if you don't believe me - and he has picked themes from the show and of course the main characters Heat and Rook are Beckett and Castle but the books work even if you don't watch the show. I have all three in hardback and I used to refer to them as my guilty pleasure but I'm revising that and taking out the guilt.

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