
Mar 2, 2014

Knightley and Son, Rohan Gavin

Shrublands nursing home currently houses one of the world’s great detectives, Alan Knightley. Comatose for almost four years, his only regular visitor, his teenage son Darkus (aka Doc)

Darkus, now living with his mum Jackie and stepfather Clive (a TV presenter on a cut-price version of Top Gear) has been reading his dad’s case files, unknowingly adding ‘the knowledge’ to his already agile brain.

Knightley senior emerges from his coma just as The Code a new self-help release tops the best seller lists. The book has been having a weird effect on select members of the public, making them do bad, sometimes unspeakable things. Knightley, convinced that shadowy organization ‘the combination’ are behind it somehow, picks up his investigation right where he left off, except the hard drive containing his case files has vanished. The only copy is in Darkus’s head, which puts Knightley junior and his brainy stepsister Tilly right in the firing line as Alan Knightley keeps dozing off at the most inopportune moments. The pair take on ‘the combination’ with the help of Uncle Bill from SO42, Knightley’s housekeeper Bogna who wields a mean frying pan and is also a great cook and occasional help from Jackie and hindrance from Clive.

Unlike some middle reader books where the adults are ciphers, Knightley and Son has a cast of rich characters, fun, excitement and dangerous situations all served up with lashings of humour, more please!

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