
Jan 30, 2024

Everyone on This Train Is a Suspect, Benjamin Stevenson

Ernie Cunningham’s debut true crime novel has done well enough to earn him and girlfriend Juliette a spot at a literary festival- on a train speeding across the Australian desert.

The main draw is Henry McTavish from whom Ern is hoping to get the promise of a blurb for his as yet unwritten second book.

The backstabbing has already begun before the Ghan leaves the station and that’s just the writers.
In amongst the one-star reviews, withering literary criticism, codes, letches, superfans and firecrackers, there’s a murder; one Ernie must solve or die trying.

Stevenson’s in-jokes and fourth wall breaking continues. A cracking mystery that’s fun to try and solve. Ern is a reliable narrator, and his honesty is refreshing.

N.B. This is not an Aussie version of a Christie Classic.

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