
Oct 15, 2010

November approaching

Regular readers will know that November means NanoWrimo.  If you've never done it before it goes a little like this.  Starting Nov 1st you have all month to produce 50,000 words, of unedited novel.  You don't have to punctuate, self edit or even use capital letters just get the words down on the screen.  It doesn't cost you anything - although they welcome donations and it's a great way of taking an idea out of your head therefore freeing up space for more.  If you cross the finish line - great! and you can spend the rest of the year editing.  If not, there's always next year.  This will be my fourth nano, the book that came from the first took three years and multiple edits.  If you feel like you need a challenge visit

I'm going to try and blog during nano, which I normally don't but we'll see how it goes.  This morning the arc for Red Wolf by Lisa Marklund arrived, I do love a good Swedish mystery.

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