
Aug 15, 2016

Sorrow Road, Julia Keller

1938: Three boys cause a fatal accident in Caneytown, they are never charged.

2017: Thornapple Terrace, Muth County seems like a nice place to dump senile old people; problem is people attached to the place keep dying.

Acker’s Gap in winter is a brutal place and this winter is the worst on record. County prosecutor Bell Elkins has been summoned to a bar by an old colleague from her law school days. Darleen Strayer wants Bell to look into Thornapple Terrace, the care home, where Darleen placed her father, Harmon, when his mind started to go. Harm died recently and Darleen noticed something or someone was upsetting her father during their last few visits.

Carla Elkins swore she’d never return to Acker’s Gap but she’s home and Bell knows she’s hiding something. On the plus side Carla’s got herself a job, a job which may unwittingly crack several of Bell’s cases wide open, including the Strayer case.

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