
Oct 12, 2007

The Ghost by Robert Harris

This is a bit of a conundrum - I liked it but more for what's behind the story than the story itself. Adam Lang (Tony Blair anyone) retired PM writing his memoirs - holed up on Martha's Vineyard in the winter. Like any celeb he has a "ghost" helping him. His first ghost, one Mike McAra dies in mysterious circumstances and another ghost is hired as a replacement. Now here's one of the cool bits - you never know the new ghost - our narrator's name. Harris names everyone else but not him. Also he gives us a small insight into the world of the ghostwriter - interesting to me because my main character earns their living as one.

Of course walking in a dead man's shoes the narrator is apt to repeat the mistakes of McAra but what was his fatal mistake? The one that got him killed. It's all there in the manuscript - the original manuscript The secret that the narrator leaves as his legacy - if you finish the book - you'll know what I mean.

Didn't get to Stiff this week. Life got in the way again.

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