
Jan 18, 2008

Bit of a mixed bag

There's been a bit of a change in how we get the arcs. We can't just wander into the office and take them because some of the ones needed for review in the Inkslinger or Inklinks have been missing when needed. If I get a chance tonight I'm going to look through, make notes on which ones I want to read and then get permission from the arc-master - my good friend Kelly. So this week as the title suggests here are what I have and have yet to read. "Travels in the Scriptorium" by Paul Auster - one of our reps kindly brought these and 3 others in on Friday last week. Fascinating premise, an old man, in a room, no idea why he's there, is he there voluntarily, or being held prisoner. Who are the people who visit him and leave him feeling a weight of guilt. Did he send them to their deaths or is he a figment of someone's imagination. Bit too many descriptions of male bodily functions for my taste but whatever. "Memoirs of a Beautiful Boy" by Robert Leleux, not my thing, gave it a try but stopped after Chapter 5 no real reason, just stopped.
"The Killings at Badgers Drift" by Caroline Graham. Ah - a nice complex murder mystery. Have only just started it but it has promise. These aren't new if I like this - and so far I do - there are many more.
"Killing Rain" by Barry Eisler. Another in the John Rain series, the ethical assassin (!) I first came across in "Requiem for an Assassin." Someone special ordered this and then didn't want it. It looks good.

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