
Jan 11, 2008

In Defense of Food

Small book - big message. This book is a direct result of The Omnivore's Dilemma because people kept coming up to Pollan and asking him OK so what do I eat? His answer - Eat Food, Not Too Much, Mostly Plants. What kind of advice is that you may ask. Pick up a copy of In Defense and you might be shocked by the fact that what you think is food is actually not. It's engineered or imitation. Pollan is a voice of commensense in the wilderness of nutritionism - that pesky practice of breaking food down into fats, sugars, carbs, vitamins etc. FYI did you know that the 'Western Diet' of refined flours, lots of sugars, way too much processed foods has produced more obese people with malnutrition (yeah I know) It's a fascinating book packed with insight, advice and thankfully no receipe section at the end. He gives you a set of rules and then it's up to you what you do with them. Three which stick out, don't buy anything your granny wouldn't recognize as food - twinkies are not food, people! Don't buy anything with more than 5 (unpronounceable) ingredients and stay away from the centre of the store, shop the periphery. Borrowed, then bought this book. During my shift yesterday I went to S'bucks and on my receipt (!!!) under all the promotion bumpf was the message that if I sipped a low fat latte, I would be getting umpty ump percent of my daily calcium intake and so and so of my protein. Coffee is not a nutrituious foodstuff! I rest MP's case.

Missed the Night Train waiting for more arcs.

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