
Jan 5, 2008

New Year - New Books

Happy New Year!

I'll be honest I've haven't had time to read much - The Golden Compass is still on my Ipod but I did read Hawke. Ted Bell is the new Clive Cussler is the hook but as the only Cussler I've read is Raise the Titanic (youth hostel - it was raining they had a library - go figure) I can't attest to that. Hawke is good fun though, anyone who likes Patrick O'brien, Bernard Cornwell should be very happy with this.

Commander Alexander Hawke, businessman, freelancer for the UK/US governments hides a dark secret. At seven years old both his parents were brutally murdered but he never talks about it. An assignment to find a black market Russian sub - now in unfriendly hands - takes him to the Bahamas. Alex follows the trail to the submarine, having run ins with dodgy Russian arms dealers, Cuban mercenaries and in the process stirring up some long buried memories and possibly avenging his parents death. Suspend disbelief - this is fiction after all - and you will enjoy this book. I did.

Books for this week include the new Michael Pollan and - if I can get hold of a copy - Night Train to Lisbon.

I'm also now working on two manuscripts. The one I did for nanowrimo and GhostWriter. Our writing group are looking at setting up a subgroup just for novels!

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