
Jan 31, 2008

Break out the Martinellis

Last night's meeting was a combination of celebration and commiseration. DeAnn got her first rejection slip. Eva already has one. So that's two of the four unpublished in the group. Donna and I don't have any but that might have something to do with not having submitted anything! We did a really good writing exercise last night and from it came a story I wasn't expecting. Now I just have to find a place to submit it to. As this is a writing entry rather than a book review I've also started reading The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I thought some of it sounded familiar and I read a Q and A with her years ago. Oh and I've finally sorted out my first person tense problem, I'm using the simple past, it seems to be working pretty well. With the remainder of my Xmas bonus I'm going to buy the Novels/Short Story version of Writer's Market 2008, then we can all use it.

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