
Mar 8, 2008

loads of arcs!!

OK, now it's raining arcs:-) but more of that in a moment.

Book of Air and Shadows, takes a while to get going but once it does... Premise is this. After a fire in a New York bookstore Carolyn Rolly takes a damaged set of books to break them and sell off the illustrations/maps for the owner. Inside the cover she and Albert Crosetti her colleague find clues to what could be one of the greatest discoveries of all time - a lost Shakespeare play. Carolyn offers to sell the papers to a former professor of hers. When that professor is murdered things get out of hand. A tale of revenge, ye olde english, cyphers, blurred identities and forgery. It will keep you turning the pages until the end.

Enjoying the Capra but haven't finished it yet.

Curse of the Spellmans was released in hardback this week but I've been given the arc to keep:-)
I'll post a full review shortly.

These are coming soon but just FYI
Compulsion, Jonathan Kellerman, my first Alex Delaware but not my last.
Hold Tight, Harlan Coben
City of the Sun, David Levien - full reviews as they are released.

Will be off the grid for the next few days as we'll be in Europe and unless I can get to an internet cafe around the university or we drive by one our connection will be sketchy at best.

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