
Feb 29, 2008

No arcs:-(

This process with the arcs is really slowing me down. People keep saying they'll put arcs in my box but they don't and I hate asking over and over it's not like I've never lost or mislaid one and I read them within a week. Sorry I'm grumpy because I've got something - not a full-blown cold. This thing is in my head and my throat but apart from coughing fits and a stuffed up head I can function normally so forget sympathy!

OK enough of that. I've borrowed a copy of Book of Air and Shadows by Michael Gruber. Good so far, I'll review it fully when I've finished it. Also I made an impulse buy yesterday The Web of Life by Capra. Read the back of it while I was shelving yesterday and he's just published one about the science of Leonardo da Vinci which sounds fascinating.

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