It's been a while since I requested and got the arc of my choice in this case "The Rose Labyrinth" by Titania Hardie but from now on I'll put a yellow sticky note on any I want to read 'cos that works a treat. The blurb for this book sounded intriguing and the marketing campaign is I think unique you can read the book purely as a book or you can solve the clues before the characters in the book do - I think. Anyway it doesn't come out until November so plenty of time to read and review it and work out the marketing campaign.
Wendy put a book in my box - perfect she said in her note for a plane flight. I've dipped into it - "The Gilded Seal" by Mark Twining. Art thief turned art recovery expert Tom Kirk is the main character and this is one of those books where the good guys are handsome and the bad guys are ugly and you just know that the gorgeous and therefore good FBI agent is going to be taking down his 'particulars' a bit later on in the plot.
Second draft - complete! 59,954.
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