
May 24, 2012

Quiet by Susan Cain

Are you an extrovert or an introvert? I did the test in Susan Cain’s fascinating book and it confirmed what I already knew I’m an introvert, a creative introvert in an extrovert candy shell. Cain discusses the quiet strength of Rosa Parks, takes us to an amped up Tony Robbins seminar and the hallowed halls of Harvard Business school. She shows us that despite appearances you can find introverts in all walks of life. 

Great thinkers, Einstein being a classic example, never had a brainstorming session. Nothing groundbreaking has ever been created in face to face committee and cramming workers together in open plan offices or kids in open plan pods actually stifles creativity. Cain even includes some strategies for supporting your introvert child and helping them to develop and grow their gifts. As an introvert good at faking extroversion I didn't feel quite so in need to after reading this.

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