
Jul 25, 2012

The founding of a new tradition

Just back from my first ever writers weekend. The main thing I learned is that the weekend or however many days away is what you make it. Lay down some ground rules before you go, we did.

Most important fact, a change of scenery inspires creativity. I wrote more in the last few days than I have in the last month. I averaged roughly ten pages a day (that doesn't sound like much but when two pages a day is what you usually manage...)

Don't forget to take regular breaks, a quick hike or a run across to the general store or even a tea break will do.

Get up as early or late as you like. Ditto going to bed.

A minimum of one bottle of wine per guest. If you have dietary requirements bring what you need as well as stuff to share with the others. Oh and lots and lots of chocolate.

Stay in contact but don't be ruled by your devices.

Take a notebook and a pencil so that you can still write while your laptop recharges.

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