
Jan 4, 2013


After one of our best seasons at TKE ever, its back to reading and blurbing and finishing T'ball.

A great help with this is my new idea board which came courtesy of the 'The Slow Fix' a review of which follows. I took the time to ponder my problem whilst looking through the window that leads onto our back garden and then it hit me, the window.

So now I write my ideas or plot threads on the window. In a stroke I solved my problem and there's the added bonus of the child-like glee I get when doing something I was always told I shouldn't.

Currently flying through arcs of The Man in the Empty Suit by Sean Ferrell and The Tooth Tattoo by Peter Lovesey. Also those of you who know that Code Name Verity is an easy handsell for me (our bookclub are reading it in April) and my penchant for reading cascades well, 'Verity' triggered 'A House for Spies' by Edward Wake-Walker and I'm trying to get hold of former Lysander pilot Hugh Verity's memoir 'We Landed by Moonlight' as he features heavily in Wake-Walker's book.

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