
Jan 4, 2013

Cover of Snow, Jenny Milchman

The whole business started over a quarter of a century ago, worst incident the small town of Wedeskyull ever experienced…

Nora Hamilton married a cop, moved back to his hometown and she’s about to start her own business when everything she ever believed in comes crashing down. Why would Brendan take his own life, did someone take it for him? Nora begins asking questions but she may not like what she uncovers.


jenny milchman said...

Mystery Girl, I am so honored that you read my debut novel and chose to include it on your blog. You sure do work at a cool independent bookstore--our go-to spot in Utah for 3 summers now :) Had great Italian food around the corner, too!

Mystery Girl said...

I think we met the evening you dropped the arc off at the store. Did you take a pic of the front floor display and chat about 'take your child to a bookstore' day with my colleague?
Good luck with the launch!