
Jan 4, 2013

Slow Fix, Carl Honore

How many quick fixes have you performed today? And how many will actually work? In truth? not many, from the knee jerk reaction of firing the coach when the football team is on a losing streak to miracle diet pills that promise instant weight loss, we are addicted to the siren song of the quick fix.

In Slow Fix, Honore argues persuasively that long-term changes for the better can’t happen overnight. Among many examples he visits an airbase in the UK where no one hides their mistakes and the place is a lot safer for it and a lifeboat company in Norway that almost went to the wall but was saved by a slow recovery program. Honore also looks at the creative potential of a mixture of disciplines working together in Paris and the benefits (and perils) of crowdsourcing.

Throughout the book Honore sprinkles the ingredients you can use to perform your own ‘slow fixes’ A copy of this book should be on the desk of every CEO and every politician in the world.

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