
Jun 2, 2014

Identity, Ingrid Thoft

Loyalty introduced us to Fina Ludlow, the tough Boston PI equally adept at shooting from the lip or the hip. In the follow-up Fina’s father, Carl takes on a client whose daughter was fathered with donor sperm. The single mother wants to track down her donor and possibly sue the sperm bank, against the wishes of her daughter. Carl smells money and puts Fina onto finding the donor’s identity. Her success is dashed when the donor is killed only hours after he and the client meet for the first time.

Fina is hired by the dead man’s son, on the understanding that nothing is off limits if he wants to find his father’s killer. As she starts turning over rocks all kinds of suspects and motives emerge. Fina knows she’s getting close when the killer threatens her, that she can handle, but when the target moves to her niece Haley, Fina has to take action.

Action is required on the home front too, because Fina’s brother Rand is determined to worm his way back into the family and her father seems ready to put out the welcome mat and for Haley’s sake Fina cannot let that happen.

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