
Sep 26, 2017

An Unkindness of Magicians, Kat Howard

Harry Potter's TriWizard Tournament meets The Night Circus in present day New York City

'Fortune's Wheel has begun its Turning. When it ceases rotation, all will be made new.'

The Turning normally happens once every twenty years. It is a competition where the magical Houses of the Unseen World challenge each other's champions to duels, which become increasingly deadly as the stakes get higher. There can only be one winner and for the last few turnings that has been the House of Merlin.

Now The Turning has come early, it always causes upheaval in the magical world and this time is no exception. Magic is mis-firing. The heirs of Houses Merlin and Prospero have become disenchanted or disinherited, the smaller houses are jockeying for position and into this melee step Sydney and Harper.

Sydney, a real life Hermione Granger comes from the House of Shadows, although she is well aware of who sent her there. Shadows provides the pool of magic which all the Houses draw from because if you use your own magic, as Sydney does, there is a price to be paid. She represents Laurent Beauchamp who hopes to establish his own house by winning the tournament.

Harper is a mundane (a muggle), she can summon just enough magic to her to light a candle and give herself a bloody nose doing it. Her best friend, Rose was murdered for her magic by a man from the unseen world and Harper intends to avenge her and she thinks Sydney can help, if she can find her.

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