
Dec 11, 2007

An Uncommon Reader, Hawke and the End of the World?

It's rare for me to recommend a book without reading it but having read the author this wasn't a stretch. But now I can remedy that The Uncommon Reader is a hoot. When one of her majesty's corgis runs into Westminster Council's bookmobile it starts a chain reaction that no one could have predicted. Queenie checks out a book and because she's a duty bound kind of girl she reads it and that leads to another and another and another. Headaches abound for Sir Kevin the kiwi and Norman from the kitchens gets promoted to literary advisor - he's gay and ginger - so normally he wouldn't have a prayer. Queenie being a doer she soon turns her hand to writing. Is the Uncommon Writer too far off?

Two other books this week 2012 The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck and Hawke by Ted Bell. I have a love of archaeology I used to spend my summers on my hands and knees with a soft brush discovering bits of roman pottery and once a coin, the subject fascinates me. Anyway I saw this programme on the history channel hosted by that guy with the face and body of an angel and a voice that sends me to sleep - forget ambien! and this was the subject, Myan calendars end of the world etc, etc so I decided to educate myself. Also the first in the Hawke series which judging by the blurb makes James Bond look tame - we'll see.

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