
Apr 8, 2009

Good Conversation

This morning summed up my job for me. We were having breakfast and talking about all sorts of things books - of course! the fact that Sue really should see Little Miss Sunshine, how much we miss Jan, why drugs should/shouldn't be legalized and a couple of times I noticed the guy in the booth behind us looking over but didn't really think anything of it. Anyway long story short he came over after his meal to say how much he'd enjoyed our conversation and we of course directed him to the bookstore which he didn't know existed. A couple of the things he said made me think. The first is that we - the booksellers - are the public face of the bookstore and just listening to us chat made him want to come and visit the store and talk books. The other he is a published author but he is LD - learning disabled. He can't read, he dictates using voice recognition software and then if a word sounds wrong he goes back and changes it until it 'sounds right'

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