
Jul 20, 2009

Kindle versus real books IMHO

I've been watching the 'orwellian rumpus' surrounding Amazon's Kindle. There are several different versions of the story some of them flawed but the main point is this. Amazon giveth and Amazon can taketh away as well. I have a serious technology habit, Itunes, Skype, the latest and greatest is always on my radar but Kindle and its ilk just leave me cold. I can't dispute the portability and the ease of downloading as many titles as you can afford but when was the last time you couldn't finish that gripping novel because your book didn't have enough charge left, you dropped your book and the pages cracked. I like books, the physical feel of them, the way the paper feels against your fingers as you turn the page, the cover (ok sometimes I hate the cover), that new-book-smell. I love to look at the stacks of arcs I have to work my way through, and the pile of purchased books just waiting to be read and enjoyed. The biggest point is that I buy a book and it's mine the book police aren't going to come to my house and take it away because they feel I shouldn't be reading it. Buy a book on Kindle and you're only borrowing that title for as long as the company you bought it from sees fit to let you have it.

If you ever see me with a Kindle or any kind of electronic reader feel free to grab it off me and beat me around the head with it.

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