
Jan 21, 2010

My most surreal moment of the year so far

As mentioned in the previous post, our first big event of the year was last night and after all the books had been signed we - the staff - went up one at a time and introduced ourselves. Audrey was saying to our manager that she should start with Christopher Eccleston. Me being a huge Dr Who fan I jumped in and we had an very interesting chat about David Tennant, Steven Moffat and whether Matt Smith is going to be any good as the new Doctor.

Earlier in the afternoon I defended Heat Wave by putting one of my name bookmarks in our remaining copy. We all think that Castle or rather his stunt double Nathan should come and do a booksigning.

I have the two arcs I was after, 212 and Freedom tm - the follow-up to Daemon, plus one I requested from the publishers called Vienna Secret by Frank Tallis and I'm closing in on the end of my second manuscript.

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