
Feb 24, 2011

Betrayed by a book

There's a certain title I've been reading which has compelled and repelled me in equal measure but yesterday I had to put it down.  It's been a long time since a book sucked me in and then spat me back out like that. 

I am enjoying the Paris Wife and I finished the Jungle Effect yesterday.  I highly recommend this book, I read an article about Daphne Miller and bought Jungle Effect on the strength of that.  The basic premise is that just as there are hot spots for diseases there are cold spots too, for instance did you know that Iceland is a cold spot - for depression!  Miller visits each cold spot to see what it is that makes each place unique what she finds is alarming, western diseases have started to creep in but there are still those who eat the way their ancestors did and they remain healthy. 

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