
Dec 5, 2017

Her Beautiful Monster, Adi Tantimedh

Second in the Golden Sentinels PI trilogy. Ravi and the team of genius misfits from Sentinels’ London office defraud a fraudster, seek the beneficiaries of a Russian oligarch’s will and get caught up in an ICE raid during some gnarly fires in LA and that’s just the official stuff.
Unofficially, Olivia is ‘vacationing’ a la Crazy Rich Asians in Hong Kong; attempting to free a publisher from Chinese clutches. Benjamin is happily drowning in NDAs, a small price to pay for piloting top secret driverless cars and drones around LA and Ravi is trying to stop his family from getting into bed with the local loan shark whilst trying to reignite some parental passions. And all the while the gods are gathering because Ravi is about to unleash some serious chaos and they want a ringside seat.

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