
Mar 12, 2018

The Bad Break, Jill Orr

Riley Ellison returns! No longer a librarian, Riley is now a journalist, working with conspiracy theorist and award winning journalist, Holman; only nothing exciting is happening in Tuttle Corner. Until Tabitha, Riley's former co-worker discovers her fiancé's father-a respected cardiologist-dead on the floor of his study with said fiancé's knife sticking out of his chest. Tabitha summons Riley ostensibly to write the obituary but when pressure is applied by the mayor to make an arrest, fast, Riley uses the obituary interviews as cover for investigating other suspects in the case. There's the fiancé, the bridezilla he's going to be marrying, jealous husbands, jealous lovers, the mayor's creepy assistant/nephew, a biotech entrepreneur and a tall, bald man with tattoos seen arguing with the victim on the day he died.

Riley's love life is settled'ish with DEA agent Jay, she still has Coltrane, the furry assassin and some new neighbours in the shape of ex Ryan and a very pregnant Ridley. Riley doesn't want to like Ridley but Ridley is determined to befriend Riley. And while Regina H of doesn't make an appearance instead we are treated to Jenna B, personal success concierge from

Riley is determined that Tabitha will walk down the aisle and that handcuffs will not feature, this could get her into a lot of trouble because the killer she's hunting is so embedded into Tuttle Corner life that they know everything about Riley, including where she lives.


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