
Jul 15, 2021

Reviews for Rollover

 There is nothing more gratifying - as a bookseller - to have a customer come back several weeks later and say 'I loved that book what else do you recommend?' We call it handselling and it is a skill that is actually quite tricky to master. 

With so many books to choose from, you may wonder how we decide what to read next. Well its a combination of reviews, excerpts, and word of mouth and for authors especially those like me who don't have the shameless self promoter gene reviews are what encourage other booksellers to read your book and add it to their handselling repertoire.

Reviews are a double edged sword for newbie authors, but if you are reading this and you are a newbie the constructive criticism of author reviews will help you improve your craft because they are done by someone who doesn't know you or your work and always remember even with a complete stranger reviews are subjective. I've had a five star and a one star review on the same day and in the words of Taylor Swift you have to 'Shake it Off' and keep going.

For your consideration here are two of the latest reviews for Rollover

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