
Jun 14, 2010

How violent is violence?

Yeah that's an unusual question but it came up on Friday when customer A talked customer B out of buying a book because she (customer A) had heard that it was pretty violent - she hadn't read it mind you - she'd just heard. If I had been customer B I would've listened to her and bought the book anyway because I like to make up my own mind and I know my tolerance is pretty high. Having said that violence against people in fiction I can read but against animals - that's where I stop reading. You kill an animal you lose me as a reader - I'm just saying.

I can count on the fingers of one hand the times I've gone past something like that. Of course customer B didn't buy the book but the thing that really got to me was that she'd specifically come in looking for that book but negative female peer pressure put her off. So my question again - how much violence can you take before you say 'ok that's going too far' I look forward to chatting with you at the counter.

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