
Apr 18, 2013

Why my reviews don't give much away

This is a genuine question I got on email.

As regular visitors will know I love to read, a lot! and you're not always going to love what I love and that's great.

What I want to do is give you a taster, turn you on to a new author or series, but there's no mystery or thrill to it if I tell you exactly what happens, where is the fun in that?

At the store when we're talking about an upcoming release we use a kind of shorthand, so as not to reveal any spoilers. Unlike the lady in a chain bookstore at Heathrow last year. Her friend picked up Gone Girl and the lady said

"Oh I've heard she dies at the end."

her friend complained,

"Well what's the point of reading it now I know the ending!"

I really wanted to go up her and say "she doesn't know what she's talking about," but I didn't want to look like a crazy person, so I bit my tongue and Gillian Flynn lost a sale.

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