
Sep 18, 2007

Books that aren't out yet

One of the perks of the job is getting ARCs (advanced readers copies) after all we have to have read the book before it comes into the store other how can we recommend it to anyone? I read a lot of Nicci French back home and up until now I hadn't twigged that "she" is actually "they" a husband and wife team - her first name and his last. The new one is called Losing You and it doesn't come out until April next year but I read it over the weekend and it's a gripping ride. I'll review it in full when it really comes out but its the kind of psychological thriller that stays with you long after you've read it especially if you have teenage children - I don't.

Still working my way through Making Money the new Terry Pratchett, still laughing my socks off.

I'm right in the middle of a LNF title called Carpe Diem which when it was published in the UK did for Latin what Eats Shoots and Leaves did for grammar. Now I learned Latin at school - for my sins - and it is scary just how much I absorbed - verbs, declensions (who knew there were more than that 3!) Interesting but we'll see if it takes off over here.

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